The Future of Virtual Reality – Anthony Tornambe

The unique and amazing technology that is virtual reality has given us so much especially in recent years that it is hard to believe that it could advance even further, but like all forms of technology there is always someone looking for the next thing to do with it and with virtual reality, that is an endless stream of opportunity to impact the individual, industry, and the world as a whole. Here are some of the ideas of where virtual reality could be headed to in the future.

A Reduction in Sedatives

The medical uses for VR are mind boggling. We have already seen where the technology allows for help with surgeries and even allow for remote access to surgery rooms, but apart from some therapy sessions utilizing virtual reality, there is little it has so far accomplished within the mental health world, but that is all set to change here very shortly and due to a unique study.

The Future of Virtual Reality

Anxiety medications are on the rise these days. It is estimated that roughly $40 million Americans suffer from some form of anxiety disorder at some point within their lives. That is a staggering number especially when you account for the fact that 86% of patients do not seek medications to manage their disorder. Anxiety medications are meant to allow the body to relax in stressful situations and allow the patient to better cope with some of life’s ongoing problems.

Anthony Tornambe‘s New research shows that submersion into an alternate reality with virtual reality allows for patients to slow their heart rate far more effectively than with standard anxiety medication. One of the most prevalent studies has already been done in Mexico with the help of Jose Luis Mosso Vazquez. Vazquez is not a surgeon by any means but he has worked alongside them when patients come in for surgery. Instead of relying on some of the standard sedation tactics with their unreliable side effects, Vazquez affixes a virtual reality headset to the patient to completely submerge them into an environment that assists in calming them down. The blood pressure of the patients who have undergone the process have been reported to be remarkably low and the bonus is that the person does not have to contend with the possibility of not waking up from sedation that can bring about additional anxiety.

It may seem as though this type of anxiety treatment would not be available to be adapted to all situations, but it is the complete submersion into the alternate reality that allows the person to cope with general circumstances. There may come a day that instead of doctors offering patients a sedative to reduce anxiety symptoms, the doctor prescribes a series of VR sessions or the use of VR during the onset of anxiety. The future is here and we may begin to see the end of streams of anxiety medication being poured into society.


When people begin talk of nanotechnology they seem to think of futuristic Si-Fi movies in which the person is injected with supposed smart nanobots and the machines inadvertently take over the human subject. Nanotechnology however is not just about the Si-Fi applications in movies. The technology is now being explored in the world of VR. Most of the virtual reality situations allow for some manipulation of objects, but they are quite limited. There is however one futuristic possibility that is being explored currently by  Anthony Tornambe.

Foglets are a 3-dimensional object that is basically a nanobot. The technology is still in its infancy as the production of these objects are quite expensive due to the specialized equipment required to build them. The Foglet allows for many to be joined together and can be manipulated into an endless stream of larger objects making the virtual world truly virtual with the ability to control and interact with the surroundings just like in a live environment. It is likely that this form of technology will take a considerable amount of time to develop properly and even more so to come to the general public market, but it can and will transform the VR world like nothing else once they pin down the production aspect.

Virtual reality is an ingenious invention. We have seen the technology grow from basically nothing more than an idea to already unbelievable heights and with each passing year, more research and development is done into the possibilities of VR. The uses of the technology to help human kind and also provide a little entertainment for the masses is something that is truly remarkable and even though you may believe that virtual reality technology has gone as far as it can go, just remember that people once thought that about the invention of the phone and even when computers first came to market. There is always room to grow technology and we will see great things from VR in the future.  – Anthony Tornambe