Tag Archives: Wearable Technology

The Rise of Wearable Technology – Anthony Tornambe

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Each New Year most people resolve to improve their overall lifestyle. Most of those resolutions involve becoming healthier. They will improve their eating habits and turn away from many of the harmful foods that tend to pack on the pounds, but they will also lean towards fitness as a way of losing the excess weight. Whatever the case may be, we are no longer simply tied to going to the gym and using the equipment to show us how many calories we have burned or how many miles we have ran. The use of wearable technology for fitness is increasingly on the rise and it is not set to be going anywhere in the foreseeable future. Here are a few reasons why people are so drawn to it.

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The reason that so many people fail to reach their fitness goals throughout the day is that they are not fully accountable for the drive to lose weight. They may have the desire to do so, but without some form of reminder of their fitness goals they can quickly fall prey to old habits or skipping out on their work out altogether. Having something attached to you throughout the day allows you to have that constant reminder to keep you on track. It works much like the old trick of putting a rubber band around your wrist to remind you of something important.

Also Read:- Diet Trends of 2017 – Anthony Tornmabe

The overall accountability of wearable technology for fitness goes far above our individual accountability as well. Those that have a record of keeping track of their activity and other vital statistics can better assist their doctors when being diagnosed for a condition. The doctor may ask a question referring to your fitness routine and if you have the wearable technology, you can give the physician all the answers they need without anything being left out.

Group Effort

There is a growing trend among the health minded that is becoming more beneficial with every passing day. We are realizing that in order to reach our health goals we sometimes have to enlist the help of others with the same mindset. Throughout the country and even the world, groups of people are using their wearable technology to keep tabs on how everyone is doing and instead of simply berating them into conformity, they can offer them support or advice on how they may be able to improve upon themselves. The draw of keeping up with the crowd can keep us motivated to stay on track where simply going it alone, often fails.

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Limitless Potential

Times are changing significantly in the fitness world. There was once a time where if you wanted to try out a new fitness routine you had to join a new class or order the routine online or off television. These days we live in a world where everything is at our fingertips and this is a great improvement on how we get our workout in. Even if you want to stick to the standard everyday workout, there may come a day that you feel particularly motivated and want to try something new. With wearable technology, you do not have to wait on that option. You can simply pull up the specific exercise and even get a tutorial on how to do it. Then the technology can track the movements to ensure that you are doing the exercise correctly. Trying new things instantly can catapult the wearer into a new motivational realm of achievement

A New Chapter in Health

Some people seem to have an inability to change. They do not like new technologies nor will they easily change from the normal way they are used to doing things, but it is often stated that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Those that are stuck in the rut of doing things the same way will likely never attain their true fitness goals because they are unable to break the cycle that they bodies are used to, but those in the know understand that change is inevitable and even fun at times.

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He rise of wearable technology can be a bit scary for some, but it is ultimately changing our approach to fitness and allowing us to break the cycle. Your body can become used to a routine and that routine can become ineffective overtime. The use of wearable technology keeps people motivated to try new and different things as well as maintains that mindset that they are subject to their own fitness goals. It is your body and your routine and therefore your choice, but adding wearable technology into your fitness routine will enable you to achieve more and maintain your forward status. You can achieve your fitness goals and wearable technology is the new frontier that can help you do it.  – Anthony Tornambe